
Doc short Acadamy Awards

The Academy Awards have released the short list of short docs (follow me?) I've seen about half of these during my sojourn as a programmer this year. The ones I have seen were really fantastic docs but unfortunately you won't be seeing them at my festival. The biggest drawback for me being able to program them were the fact that they were long shorts, each about 30 minutes or so in length. I was hoping to have some slots in the festival to showcase these types of films, like a 90-minute program of 2-3 mid length docs. But unfortunately we just did not have the time/space this year.

I'll try and make this a priority for next year, because these types of combo programs were some of the best experiences I had at the various documentary festival I attended this year like Silverdocs and Full Frame.

However if you want to see some other truly outstanding short docs, you easily can at AFI FEST. We have set up a single showcase of short documentaries for your viewing pleasure. The subjects and style are diverse and I hope we've come up with an enjoyable program for all. Come check it out, one show is on election day, so tell your boss you are leaving early to vote and come see movies (be sure to vote too.)

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