
Poetry Porn!

I don't read nearly as much poetry these days as I did when I lived in Boulder (I attended the Naropa Institute for a number of summers there.) So you probably won't hear me talking about much poetry here. However, New York magazine posted this little piece talking about a pornographic poem written by W.H. Auden, one of the most respected poets of the last century. They reprint the entire poem here for you to peruse, but I warn you it gets pretty hardcore! Click though if you want to read how a master of verse writes what every high school poetry student wants to write about! (Warning to any high school poets reading this, don't bother trying; it will be lame.)

1 comment:

nelson said...

I worry that you underrate the danger to HS poets. If even the masters skate a fine line between poetry and cheese, your best outcome is that your sex poem will embarrass you for life. No matter what a misunderstood genius you may think you are - there is danger here!