
Globalized time

I was just telling a friend yesterday that I wanted to do more science or math related posts on here. Well, today I stumbled upon this piece calling for the globalization of time. Basically this man is arguing that in a increasingly globalized world it is silly to have shifting timezones, and it only creates confusion. Instead we should adopted the global standard of Zulu time, aka Greenwich Mean Time.

I like this idea, although most Americans resist this sort of change (see: the metric system.) I wouldn't mind calling right now 10pm, who says the afternoon has to be 3pm and not 10?

Side note: when Susan was forced to watch BBC news exclusively on our last trip, she thought it was weird that in showing the local times, New Delhi would be off by a half hour (instead of the standard hour for other time zones.) I told her this was impossible and didn't believe her. She had to take a picture of the TV next time it looped around.

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